The fear in our mind
The fear in our mind is a dream killer. It will steal our lives if we let it.
Fear is about who we are (or are not)—the fear of what others might think about us or find out about us.
It presents as a voice in our heads. Some might call it ego, others call it a self-defense mechanism, and it often sounds like this:
"I'm not good enough."
"I am not smart enough... rich enough... attractive enough.”
“I don't belong.”
“I'm fake... stupid... an imposter... an asshole... a bitch”.
This conscious conditioning from our past. If this were all we were, we probably wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. So we create a protective armor around us—a shield to hide it all away. We focus on "feeling good" and try to make ourselves perfect.
We compare ourselves and our success (or lack of it) to others.
We harshly judge ourselves, everyone, and everything.
We numb with drugs, alcohol, status, food, sex, and screens.We procrastinate meaningful action because we might fail.
We refuse help even when we need it.
We become automatic. Predictable in any situation.
The same Being in a room full of strangers.
The same Being in our business or at "work."
The same Being at home, with family and loved ones.
The same person we were five years ago, and if nothing changes, the same five years from now.
It is this way for most people, most of the time.
Stuck. Trapped. Comfortable.
Possibility lies outside the comfort. It is in the things we are unwilling to do—the unknown and uncomfortable.
A place other than fear.
A place other than self-defense.
A place other than feelings.
A place other than playing it safe.
A place other than feeling good.
A place other than the next big thing.
Our authentic selves. Our Essence.